The Way I See It
    A Standardized Belief Systems Inventory

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It is a practical dictum, both within the field of psychology and without, that a people's beliefs influence their entire existence from shaping their attitudes to their actual perceptions of life around them. Systems research has helped order the vast amount of data on human beliefs.
The Way I See It uses five of the most prevalent belief systems in the world today. An individual participates to some degree in all systems, but each person tends to centralize his or her beliefs in one or two systems. Systemic themes are relatively permanent facets of a person's character. "The Way I See It" measures these themes, "how one thinks and believes" rather than "what one thinks and believes." There are no right or wrong answers. The results indicate the values, methods of learning and motivational systems which are optimal to each individual.
There are two versions of TWISI profile results:
The Standard TWISI provides the respondent with a Personal Profile as it reflects self rating on five major belief systems, learning styles and motivational patterns. In addition, the major or nodal belief system in each of five life content areas are presented. Cost: $30 USD.
The Business TWISI provides the respondent with a Personal Profile as it portrays self rating on five major belief systems, learning styles and motivational patterns as well as how these translate into managerial styles. In addition, the subprofiles give the ranked order for each of the five belief systems in each of five life content areas and how they reflect attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. Cost: $40 USD.

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